Northside Outpatient Counseling Services are available to those who live in the zip codes that comprise the Catchment area. Northside has a sliding fee scale for those who do not have Medicaid, Medicare, or other insurance. Other Outpatient Services are available on a countywide basis and when clients meet the criteria for program services. Northside Inpatient Services are available to those who live in Hillsborough County and the Sun Coast Region. These services are for adults with severe and persistent mental illnesses, or who require both mental health and substance abuse services.ï Adult, Child, and Family Services: Provides information and referral; diagnosis and evaluation; family, individual, and group psychotherapies; case management; and medication follow-up services.ï Provides comprehensive evaluation of difficult diagnostic cases for all age groups; pre-employment evaluations.ï Employee Assistance Programs- EAP: Provides assessments, brief assessment, and referrals for employees and their families, consultation to supervisors.ï Psycho-Educational Classes: Classes cover a wide variety of subjects for the clients, including parenting skills, improving communication skills, and other life-management issues.ï Specialized Treatment Services: Provides psychotherapy to children who have been victims of abuse.ï Shelter Overlay Program: Offers crisis intervention, educational groups, individual therapy, and staff training on-site for Hillsborough County's Emergency Shelter Care Program.ï Juvenile Sex Offender Treatment: Provides weekly therapy to adolescents who have been identified as having committed sexual offenses.ï TANF/WAGES: Mental Heath and support services for families moving from welfare to economic self-sufficiency.Has a satellite location at 1109 East 139th†Avenue, Tampa,FL 33613
Mon 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM; Tue 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM; Wed 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM; Thu 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM;