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Happy October Tampa Bay! It’s officially the season for ghosts, goblins, and things that go bump in the night! This month, the frights take center stage as we stock up on our favorite candy and hope for a day or two of sweater weather. But whether you’re a scary movie enthusiast or prefer to stick to more lighthearted content, we’re here to tell you that there is one thing that does not have to be scary…talking about our mental health! 

For too long, mental health has been shrouded in silence, with many people feeling like they have to “tough it out” alone. But here’s the truth: talking about how we’re feeling, even when difficult, is the first step toward healing. By normalizing these conversations, we open the door for others to share their experiences, and we help build a world where seeking support is seen as a strength, not a weakness.

Open and honest conversations about mental health are one of the best ways to break down the stigma that too often surrounds it. So this month, we’re focusing on making mental health check-ins a part of your everyday life—because just like checking in on our physical health, our mental well-being needs regular attention too. 

Incorporating mental health check-ins into your daily routine doesn’t have to feel complicated. It can be as simple as asking a friend how they’re really doing or taking a moment to assess your own feelings. Over time, these small, consistent efforts create a culture where it’s okay to not be okay—and where vulnerability is a superpower. 

Here are some ways to make mental health part of your daily conversations:

  • Ask open-ended questions: It’s so tempting to just say “Fine” when someone asks how you’re doing, isn’t it? Instead of “How are you?” try asking, “How have you been feeling lately?” or “What’s been on your mind?” Think about and be honest about your own answers to these questions. Need help starting the conversation? Use this script from Mental Health America as inspiration.
  • Listen without judgment: Let the people in your life share openly, without fear of being dismissed or criticized. Remember: You don’t have to fix it. You just have to listen.
  • Choose your venue carefully: While having face-to-face conversations is great, don’t let the idea that these check-ins should look a certain way stop you from doing them at all. Try going for a walk and talk or having a text conversation if being eye-to-eye feels too intimidating.
  • Make space for vulnerability: We all struggle with our mental health sometimes. Sharing our own experiences, even the challenging ones, helps to remind us that it’s all a part of being human. As vulnerability researcher Brené Brown tells us, “Staying vulnerable is a risk we have to take if we want to experience connection.” 

If October is a month dedicated to frights, it’s also a month dedicated to being brave and triumphing over what scares us. Let talking about mental health be a part of your hero’s journey this month. You don’t have to do it alone. As always, support is available. For immediate support, call or text 988 for the 24/7 suicide crisis hotline. To connect with local resources, explore our Find Services page. 


Ghoulishly Yours,

Your Team at Let’s Talk Tampa Bay

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For immediate support, call or text 988 for the 24/7 suicide crisis hotline. To connect with local resources, explore our find services page.

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