Caim Coaching exists to help First Responders understand and address the financial, relationship and mental health issues that come with life on the front lines. We strengthen individuals, couples, families and organizations, which in turn creates stronger communities. Creates a hedge of protection around First Responders and their families, and in turn help them to do the same. The tools we use to build this protective sanctuary are focused around Money (management), Marriage (relationship building/strengthening skills), and Mental Resilience. Retreats- Two or three day retreats unpack more fully the complex problems of life for those on the front lines and allow for more extensive skills-building to tackle them. Training- From a one-hour overview to three-day interactive sessions (with many options in between), our trainings provide insight into the unique concerns of First Responders and their families, followed by practical strategies and tools to start addressing them. For agencies, conferences or any size group.
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