Services Offered: Substance abuse treatment servicesType of Care: Outpatient treatmentFirst Step Outpatient Counseling is designed to meet the needs of those who are not in need of residential treatment, or due to other commitments in their personal and professional lives, need the freedom of outpatient counseling. The program blends individual, group and family therapy with substance abuse education. There are three levels of treatment intensity. An assessment determines which level is appropriate for each individual.Anger Alternatives: Designed to teach individuals the skills necessary for successful management of their anger, Anger Management has been approved through the local court system to meet court ordered anger management class requirements. It is available to anyone who demonstrates the need to learn anger management skills.Family Safety Program: This program is designed to assist adults who have lost custody of their children due to substance abuse, or are currently under investigation by the Department of Children and Families or the Safe Childrenís Coalition. Anger management, parenting education, substance abuse therapy and case management are included. Parents in Sarasota and DeSoto Counties who have lost or are at risk of losing custody of children due to substance abuse are referred by the Department of Children and Families/Safe Childrenís Coalition.Department of Corrections Adult Outpatient Program: Like Outpatient Counseling, this program blends individual, group and family therapy with substance abuse education. Clients must be court-ordered to the program through the Department of Corrections.
Mon 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM; Tue 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM; Wed 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM; Thu 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM;