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Bring Mindfulness to life.

Breathe Mindfully.

Commit to taking one mindful breath a day. Be aware of the sensation in your body as you breathe in and out. If you have trouble paying attention, just notice your thoughts, without judging them and let them go and return your attention to your breath.  As you have more experience with this, try breathing mindfully for 2 minutes each day.

Do Activities Mindfully.

You can do any activity mindfully, simply by slowing down and focusing.

  • Mindful sitting – Sit comfortably. Take 3 slow deep breaths. Bring your attention to how your body is feeling: what it feels like to sit where you are, whether you are feeling warm, cool, etc. As you feel yourself sitting you may be distracted by thoughts or other things. Just notice them without judgement and let them go, then return your attention back to what it’s like to be sitting.
  • Mindful walking – Take 3 slow deep breaths. When you are ready to start, bring your thoughts to how you feel standing up. Feel what it’s like to feel your feet on the ground. Slowly start to walk and feel what it feels like to pick up your feet and take a step. Walk slowly so you experience all the sensations. As you walk mindfully you may be distracted by thoughts or other things. Just notice them without judgement and let them go, turning your attention back to what it’s like to be walking.
  • Mindful eating – Sit comfortably. Take 3 slow deep breaths. Bring your attention to your food. Experience what it’s like to eat your food, use all your senses to experience it. Before and as you eat notice the look, smell, texture, sounds, and taste of your food. As you are mindfully eating you may be distracted by thoughts or other things. Just notice them without judgement and let them go, turning your attention back to what it’s like to be eating.